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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ءءءءءء لعبة مسلية للاندرويد Larva Heroes : Episode2 v1.1.3

مروان ساهر
18-04-2015, 08:18 PM
Larva Heroes : Episode2 v1.1.3
<br>The new Larva Heroes Episode 2 has been released.
<br>Auto-battle system has been applied to reduce the game fatigue.
<br> Daily Event
<br>- We will give free coupon to 100 people daily through face book.
<br>- You can get a free coupon magic candy 1000 and 300,000 gold.
<br>- Free Coupon Download URL: https://www.facebook.com/LarvaHeroes
<br>- You can only level up is the stage mode.
<br>- The Dungeon mode, you can play hero to take the four friends.
<br>- Heroes and Hero friend can strengthen to step 6.
<br>- You can get a fortune cookie through stage mode.
<br>- If you open fortune cookie, you can get gold,item,magic candy.
<br>- You can see total rank and weekly rank in main menu.

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