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Yep, the snakes are out to beget more snakes.Trouble is, the search for love brings the occasional brush with people, who tend in general to be snake averse.But the best action to take, when you see a snake, is to do nothing at all.Any snake you see, just leave it alone, longchamp soldes said Brett Johnson, an urban wildlife biologist with Texas Parks and Wildlife in Cedar Hill which, incidentally, might well be snake central in the Dallas area.We've had a bunch of reports about nonvenomous water snakes, Johnson said. But for a lot of people, any snake they see in the water is a water moccasin.Likewise, the relatively casque audio beats pas cher common Texas rat snake has the unfortunate tendency to shake its tail when threatened, which leads people to think they've found a Western diamondback rattlesnake, also native to Dallas, Tarrant and neighboring counties.And rat snakes, they can have a little bit of an attitude, Johnson said, and they'll start snapping at you.So back christian louboutin outlet uk off.Unfortunately, certain folks have a hard time doing that.We have more problems with adults than kids specifically males in their late teens and early 20s, or the gung ho guy who feels he has to protect his family, Johnson said.The majority of snake bites occur, Campbell added, when people mess with them or try to kill them.It's moncler outlet safer to leave snakes alone, he said. Besides, snakes are valuable to the ecosystem, gobbling down critters like rats and mice that can cause a lot more problems.Still, each year, people haul snakes to the herpetologists at UTA to be identified.I bet well over 95 percent of the snakes brought in are nonvenomous, he said.qq1123

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