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الموضوع: برنامج التعديل علي الصور المميز لأصحاب الأندرويد Portrait Painter v1.134

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  1. #1

    برنامج التعديل علي الصور المميز لأصحاب الأندرويد Portrait Painter v1.134

    Portrait Painter v1.134
    <br> INFO

    <br> Portrait Painter is a professional painting tool that automatically creates a finely painted gallery-style portrait from any image or snapshot then adds color, light and texture, which harmonize intelligently. Artists, Photographers & Hobbyists will love watching their subjects transcend from the living to become immortalized in a timeless masterpiece. PORTRAIT STYLES
    <br> • Portrait Paint — Classic-Style brushes in the original colors from your photo

    <br> • Bright & Colorful — Modern-Style replaces brush strokes with bright and colorful ones
    <br>Highlights of Portrait Painter
    <br> • Choose between a natural color palette or a bright & colorful one
    <br> • Make adjustments to Brush Size, Brush Length, Bristle Strength, Canvas Strength and Paint Palette Colors.
    <br> • Use large photos for a high-end result!
    <br> • Crop your photo to remove unwanted parts of an image
    <br> • Choose a preset for a quick start or make your own for future projects
    <br> • Share via Email, Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بوعبود/عبدالملك ; 21-09-2014 الساعة 11:31 PM سبب آخر: مخالف

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