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الموضوع: برنامج مراقبة شبكات الواى فاى ومعرفة كل تفاصيلها WifiInfoView 1.79

  1. #1

    برنامج مراقبة شبكات الواى فاى ومعرفة كل تفاصيلها WifiInfoView 1.79

    WifiInfoView 1.79

    WifiInfoView is a simple, effective and reliable software solution that displays detailed information about all the available wireless networks.The main window of the application is sectioned by two panels. The upper panel displays all the available Wi-Fi connections, while the lower one displays detailed information in hexadecimal format. Thus, each time a new Wi-Fi connection is detected, the list gets updated at predefined intervals.

    Because of the main purpose it was designed for, the application enables you to view details such as MAC address, signal quality, frequency, BSS type, router model and name and channel numbers.

    What’s more, WifiInfoView provides you with a summary mode that enables you to view all the available connections grouped by channel number, company that manufactured the router, signal quality or MAC address.

    The context menu enables you to generate detailed HTML reports that allow you to save all the information you want for future use. Also, you have the possibility to change the MAC address format, modify the update rate and set the font preferences.

    Although it does not come with advanced features and with a more professional interface, WifiInfoView is worth having when you need to manage, organize and view data about each wireless connections.

    Working in a company with multiple Internet connections, by using this utility you can easily manage and view detailed information about all the available networks.

    To wrap it up, WifiInfoView proves to be a reliable application when it comes to detecting and displaying information about Wi-Fi connections.

    SIZE: 1 MB

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    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بوعبود/عبدالملك ; 18-04-2015 الساعة 03:23 AM سبب آخر: مخالف

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