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الموضوع: xx برنامج الآلة الحاسبة العلمية للأندرويد RealCalc Scientific Calculator

  1. #1

    xx برنامج الآلة الحاسبة العلمية للأندرويد RealCalc Scientific Calculator

    RealCalc Plus 2.3.0
    <br> RealCalc Plus is the enhanced version of Androids #1 Scientific Calculator, RealCalc - a fully featured scientific calculator which looks and operates like the real thing.
    <br> RealCalc Plus includes the following features:
    <br> Traditional algebraic or RPN operation
    <br> Fraction calculations and conversion to/from decimal
    <br> Degrees/minutes/seconds calculations and conversion
    <br> 12-digit display
    <br> Extended internal precision (32-digit)
    <br> User-customizable unit conversions
    <br> User-customizable constants
    <br> Percentages
    <br> Result history
    <br> 10 memories
    <br> Binary, octal, and hexadecimal (can be enabled in Settings)
    <br> Trig functions in degrees, radians or grads
    <br> Scientific, engineering and fixed-point display modes
    <br> 7-segment, dot-matrix or standard font display
    <br> Landscape mode
    <br> Configurable digit grouping and decimal point
    <br> Three RPN styles: direct-entry (classic RealCalc mode), buffered-entry, or XYZT rolling stack - see Menu > Help > RPN Mode for details of the different modes
    <br> Full built-in help

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    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بوعبود/عبدالملك ; 23-02-2016 الساعة 01:45 AM

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