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الموضوع: ك لعبة رائعة For Eternity v1.5 APK للأندرويد

  1. #1

    ك لعبة رائعة For Eternity v1.5 APK للأندرويد

    For Eternity v1.5
    <br> Minimum RAM required : 1.5 GB
    <br> Important - Please click on the "How To Play" button , before you start the game , to find out about the controls and important gameplay details.

    <br>"For Eternity" is a spectacular production, featuring a unique story written and produced by Etostone, presented in various media , a music video , a comic book and now a game for all mobile devices.
    <br> A fascinating story about King Jonathan, his Queen Isabella and kingdom Lurania , a peaceful kingdom , that was invaded by the Unknown. A sad story that was written and kept in a magic book for the thousands of year to come. The game starts at the beginning of the story , directly after the kidnapping of the Queen Isabella. King Jonathan tries to find her inside the forest of Lurania.
    Screen Shots

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    Link has been removed because of violating copyright laws.
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    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بوعبود/عبدالملك ; 01-12-2015 الساعة 02:24 PM

  2. #2
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