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الموضوع: عملاق صيانة الجهاز Advanced SystemCare Pro Final

  1. #1

    عملاق صيانة الجهاز Advanced SystemCare Pro Final

    Advanced SystemCare Pro Final
    Advanced SystemCare 8 PRO provides an always-on, automated, the all-in-one PC optimization utility, specializes in ONE-Click solutions to detect, clean, repair, speed up and eventually protect PC. To better protect users’ online privacy with Advanced SystemCare 8, “Protectâ€‌ tab is newly added, which is designed to provide quick access to protect browsing frombeing tracked by automatically cleaning privacy traces once browser closed and detect and resist the attack of malicious plugin/toolbar by Browser Anti-Tracking and Plugin/Toolbar Cleaner in this tab

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    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بوعبود/عبدالملك ; 24-11-2015 الساعة 01:56 AM

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جميع الحقوق محفوظة للسبلة العمانية 2020
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