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الموضوع: البرنامج الشهير لتشغيل الأنظمة الوهمية VirtualBox 5.0.16 Final

  1. #1

    البرنامج الشهير لتشغيل الأنظمة الوهمية VirtualBox 5.0.16 Final

    VirtualBox 5.0.16 Final
    < br>
    VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for hardware. Targeted at server, desktop and embedded use, it is now the only professional quality virtualization solution that is also Open Source Software. VirtualBox is a powerful virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use. VirtualBox provides are useful for several scenarios: Running multiple operating systems simultaneously. VirtualBox allows you to run more than one operating system at a time. This way, you can run software written for one operating system on another (for example, Windows software on Linux or a Mac) without having to reboot to use it. Since you can conأ¯آ¬ظ¾gure what kinds of “virtualâ€‌ hardware should be presented to each such operating system, you can install an old operating system such as DOS or OS/2 even if your real computer’s hardware is no longer supported by that operating system

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    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بوعبود/عبدالملك ; 08-03-2016 الساعة 02:57 AM

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